Disclosure Documents & Information
Nelson Electricity Limited is required to disclose pursuant to the Electricity Distribution (Information Disclosure) Requirements 2008, together with other information and forms. This information and more is contained in the webpages under this regulatory disclosure section.
Asset Management Plan
The Nelson Electricity Asset Management Plan for the term April 2023 - March 2024 was completed and disclosed 31 March 2023.
Electricity Complaints
Nelson Electricity is a member of the Utilities Disputes scheme and follows a standard process when a customer has formally notified the company of a concern involving a service that Nelson Electricity has provided.
Conveyance & Default Distributor Agreement
This agreement contains details of definitions and interpretation, use of the distribution network, consumer transfers, connections, consumer information and more.
Valuation Report
In accordance with Regulation 19(4) of the Electricity Information Disclosure Requirements 2004, the following disclosures are made in relation to Nelson Electricity Limited's line business system fixed assets.
Default Price Quality Path Compliance
Regulatory requirement documents available to download here.
Information Disclosure Schedules
Audit requirements and disclosure documents available to download here.
Pricing Guide
This document provides Electricity Retailers and Interested Parties assistance in the application of charges for delivery of line function services for the term 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024.
Pricing Disclosure
Consumer and electricity pricing documents for 2023 and previous years available to download here.
Trees & Power Lines
Coming into contact with power lines can be extremely hazardous and can cause serious injury or death. The dangers should not be under-estimated.