General Information
This section is for our electricity network consumers and contains important information on getting connected for distributed solar generation, our line prices and our connection application for any new or altered connections. It’s also important for our consumers to peruse the cable location section especially if you’re contemplating digging in or around your property and need to know where the power cables are located.
Contractors needing to apply for a “Close Approach” Permit are to read the new section below and complete the Permit before commencing work near overhead live power lines.
Our Services
Distributed Generation
With home and business owners wanting to save electricity, more consumers are liking the idea of creating their own generation (usually through solar) and exporting back into the grid.
Consumer Pricing
The following is a list of Electricity Retailers who have signed a System Agreement with Nelson Electricity and are available on the network.
Network Connection Application
Need to connect power to a new site on the Nelson Electricity network?
Cable Locations
For underground power cables do not undertake any excavations without first contacting Nelson Electricity about the location of underground power cables.
Network Code
As part of the terms and conditions for connection, and in the interests of other users connected to the Distribution Network.
Report Graffiti
We’re all for creativity and a vibrant city – just not on our electricity network. Let’s work together in stamping out graffiti and keeping Nelson city beautiful.
Close Approach Permit
Mobile plant and/or vehicle minimum approach distance request and permission.