Electricity Complaints
Nelson Electricity is a member of the Utilities Disputes scheme and as such follows a standard process when a customer has formally notified the company of a concern involving a service that Nelson Electricity has provided. The company's complaint handling process also covers complaints in relation to any land issues including entry requirements, access and easements. This complaint process if also FREE.
The General Manager has ultimate responsibility for managing the company's complaint handling process.
When Nelson Electricity has received your complaint, we will provide acknowledgement to you within two days.
Nelson Electricity will then investigate and endeavour to resolve your complaint, where possible within seven working days, and advise in writing where appropriate. We may seek further information during this process.
If after 20 working days a resolution is not achieved or if we are unable to resolve a complaint to your satisfaction, Utilities Disputes provides a free and independent service which can review and further investigate the issues for you. They are able to make a ruling which is binding onus to settle the complaint.
Complaints Procedure
Should you have a complaint which you wish to be formally addressed, please follow the steps set out below and contact:
Nelson Electricity
Phone - 03 546 9256, Fax - 03 546 0486
Email - enquiry@nel.co.nz
or you can write to us
General Manager
Nelson Electricity Ltd, PO Box 7083, NELSON 7042
NOTE: Please make clear that you have a formal complaint that requires resolution by mentioning this to the General Manager or add in the reference line or your letter/email, so we know to start the complaints process.
Should you wish to do so, Utilities Disputes can be contacted by the following -
Freepost 192682
PO Box 5875, Lambton Quay,WELLINGTON 6145
PH - 0800 22 33 40 or complete online form
Website: http://www.utilitiesdisputes.co.nz/